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美國西部Oregon+California Redwoods 2009

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我出門一個星期, 拍了許多照片,貼照片請大家欣賞、批評。
美國的火山湖約在舊金山670公里以北,湖的寬度為8公里,但空氣是那麼乾淨, 對面看起來非常接近,這是世界上最清澈的湖泊之一,美國最深的湖, 右圖片底部海灘實際上是遙遠。

貼一張紅木林圖片, 加州有許多大紅木樹, 人在裡面是非常小的, 我遇到最大的樹是100米高, 1500歲。
可能是我的圖片沒顯示紅木樹多大, 我再貼一張紅木林圖片, 圖裡有人樹相比。

高速公路旁边的相片?太多了,好的,我只貼到火山口湖高速公路上, 這是偏遠地區,不是典型旁边的相片。看板:火山爆發前地形:

1. 鹿在路邊
2. 一個沙漠中小鎮內的,人口數百,依靠旅遊業
3. 哥倫比亞河 wind surfing

再貼幾張哥倫比亞河相片, 沿河開車,幾百公里長。
哥倫比亞河其中一個水壩, 看鱘魚通過水壩, 游到河上游, 有時是鮭魚。

See full report on this trip below - 4 posts.

Crater Lake, Oregon, August 2009

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Driving north August 9-15, 2009.
On the way in California, southern and northern views of Mt. Shasta:

Stayed a night at Klamath Falls, Oregon, Garden State with no sale tax.
Absolutely this town has nothing to do but watching birds:

On the way to Crater Lake, 2009.8.10 - vanished volcano landscape view:

Crater Lake is about 419 miles north of San Francisco. The lake is 5 miles across but the air is so clean that the opposite side looks to be much closer. It is one of the clearest lakes in the world and the deepest one in the U.S. The beach in the pictures is actually far away. Crater Lake never had fish in it before humans stocked them. The fish cannot grow too big because there is not much to eat in the lake.
美國的火山湖約在舊金山670公里以北,湖的寬度為8公里,但空氣是那麼乾淨, 對面看起來非常接近,這是世界上最清澈的湖泊之一,美國最深的湖, 圖片底部海灘實際上是遙遠。 火山湖裡原本沒有魚的,我聽說他們養一些魚長不大,因為湖裡沒有什麼東西吃。為什麼火山口湖的湖水如此的藍? 因為湖水主要來自雪水和雨水,沒有受到什麼污染,水質純淨雜質很少,所以能讓最短的藍色光波直達湖的深處而反射出來。

On the way to Bend, Oregon - river at fishery and stayed Bend's Shilo hotel.
Also, absolutely this town has nothing to do:

Columbia River Gorge, August 2009

On the way to The Dalles, 2009.8.11 - passing a small town in desert, Maupin,
and suprisingly a valley with green vegetation:

On the way to Portland along Columbia River - the Gorge, waterfalls along foothill, sturgen fish and Vista House:

Columbia River viewed from Washington side, 2009.8.13 - Vista House, the Gorge, Bonneville Dam,
bridge of the gods, tunnels, wind surfing:

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澳洲北領地之旅 - 達爾文 Darwin, NT, Australia 2019 (4 posts)卡卡杜國家公園 Kakadu National Park; 愛麗絲泉 Alice Springs; 烏盧魯/艾爾斯岩 Uluru/Ayers Rock
秘魯之旅 Peru Trip 2016 (9 posts)
死亡谷野花大綻放 Death Valley Super Bloom 2016, 尋找野花 Wildflowers in Badwater Basin, 大風暴來臨 Wind Storm
Nevada Route 95 內華達州的 Ghost Towns 2016
美國最適宜居住的地方:麻州 Sharon MA Best Place to Live 2015
參觀Ohio州的Amish阿米希人 2014
Grand Canyon 大峽谷之行 2013, Glen Canyon 格蘭峽谷, Antelope Canyon, Lake Powell 羚羊峽谷, 迷人的拋我湖
波士頓的夏天 Boston's Summer 2013, 坐渡輪到紐約市半日遊 Half Day in Manhattan 2013
Death Valley 荒漠之旅, 進入死亡谷 2012, Valley of Fire 火之谷, 涼風習習 2012
駛向墨西哥的迷幻海灘 Mexico Cruise 2012
沙漠,溫泉,國家公園 Desert, Hot Springs, Joshua Tree NP 2012
Route 395 加州395公路邊疆行 2011
US West National Parks 美國西部及附近國家公園 2010 (8 posts)
Jackson Hole, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Salt Lake, Moah, Arches NP, Canyonlands, Dead Horse Point
美國西部Oregon+California Redwoods 2009 (5 posts)
Crater Lake, Columbia River Gorge, Portland, Redwood Forest
Morcom Rose Garden, Oakland 2009
Southern California December 2008
Port Casto, California 2008
Lake Merritt in December 2007
Canadian Rockies August 2007

Some USA trips had been moved to US West Scenery 美西風情.
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