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澳洲北領地之旅 - 達爾文 Darwin, NT, Australia 2019

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從新加坡出發前往澳大利亞北領地 Northern Territory(NT)僅需4.5小時, 這是一個非常偏遠的地區,土著人民在這裡已經生活了至少65000年, 他們的祖先在62,000到75,000 BP之間, 與歐亞人分離。 NT北部被稱為“Top End”, 南部稱“Red Centre”,因為很少下雨。 A trip to Australia's NT was only 4.5 hour flight from Singapore. It is a very remote area that indigenous people have lived here at least 65,000 years. They found that the ancestors of the Aboriginal population split off from the Eurasian population between 62,000 and 75,000 BP (before present). Northern of NT is called "Top End" and southern is "Red Centre" because it seldomly rain.
達爾文是澳洲北領地的首府,  第二次世界大戰,在達爾文投下的炸彈數量超過珍珠港。 戰爭紀念物無處不在。 海灘非常好,但因為鱷魚、水中動物, 沒有人敢入水。Darwin is the capital of Northern Territory (NT). In World War II, more bombs were dropped on Darwin than on Pearl Harbor. War memorials are everywhere. Beaches are very nice but no one dares going into water because of crocodiles and marine animals.

Below is the playlist for all Australia's videos. Next is Eating Seafood at Cullen Bay....

達爾文食物(特別海鮮)非常好吃, 似乎大多數頂級廚師都是亞洲人或移民,如華人、印度人等。我們去了一家自助海鮮餐廳, 每人35美元, 沒有小費也沒有稅。 The food, especially seafood are so good. It seems most top chefs are Asian immigrants, like Chinese, Indians etc. We went to a all-you-can-eat seafood restaurant . Each person was US$35 and no tips and tax.

在路上,夕陽是巨大的。 On the road, the sunset is huge.

卡卡杜國家公園 Kakadu National Park

該公園位於鱷魚河地區內,位於達爾文東南171公里處。 當公園被列入聯合國教科文組織世界遺產名錄時,它的文化和自然價值得到了國際認可。它是一個生機勃勃的文化景觀,遍布著岩石藝術遺址, 有些岩畫的年代已超過2萬年。自然雜誌2017年的一篇論文評為“人類居住大約始於65,000年前”。 The park is located within the Alligator Rivers Region and 171 km southeast of Darwin. The cultural and natural values of the park were recognized internationally when the park was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. It is a living cultural landscape with rock art sites throughout. Some sites have been dated at over 20,000 years old. One 2017 paper in Nature evaluated "Human occupation began around 65,000 years ago".

A playlist with next Guluyambi Cultural Cruise -East Alligator River, Yellow Water Billabong Cruise....

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澳洲北領地之旅 - 達爾文 Darwin, NT, Australia 2019 (4 posts)卡卡杜國家公園 Kakadu National Park; 愛麗絲泉 Alice Springs; 烏盧魯/艾爾斯岩 Uluru/Ayers Rock
秘魯之旅 Peru Trip 2016 (9 posts)
死亡谷野花大綻放 Death Valley Super Bloom 2016, 尋找野花 Wildflowers in Badwater Basin, 大風暴來臨 Wind Storm
Nevada Route 95 內華達州的 Ghost Towns 2016
美國最適宜居住的地方:麻州 Sharon MA Best Place to Live 2015
參觀Ohio州的Amish阿米希人 2014
Grand Canyon 大峽谷之行 2013, Glen Canyon 格蘭峽谷, Antelope Canyon, Lake Powell 羚羊峽谷, 迷人的拋我湖
波士頓的夏天 Boston's Summer 2013, 坐渡輪到紐約市半日遊 Half Day in Manhattan 2013
Death Valley 荒漠之旅, 進入死亡谷 2012, Valley of Fire 火之谷, 涼風習習 2012
駛向墨西哥的迷幻海灘 Mexico Cruise 2012
沙漠,溫泉,國家公園 Desert, Hot Springs, Joshua Tree NP 2012
Route 395 加州395公路邊疆行 2011
US West National Parks 美國西部及附近國家公園 2010 (8 posts)
Jackson Hole, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Salt Lake, Moah, Arches NP, Canyonlands, Dead Horse Point
美國西部Oregon+California Redwoods 2009 (5 posts)
Crater Lake, Columbia River Gorge, Portland, Redwood Forest
Morcom Rose Garden, Oakland 2009
Southern California December 2008
Port Casto, California 2008
Lake Merritt in December 2007
Canadian Rockies August 2007

Some USA trips had been moved to US West Scenery 美西風情.
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